Welcome to UCOM

Ugandan Culture Meets Michigan

Our mission is to promote and share our art and cultural heritage with the community. Ugandans are known for their love of being social and welcoming people. We welcome anyone to become a member. 

UCOM is a unified body that works together towards skills development, entrepreneurship, career advancement, youth empowerment, and giving back to the community. We help provide members access to resources that will enable them to maximize their opportunities within our communities. 

Our Purpose

UCOM was started by Ugandan immigrants with an objective of unifying Ugandans living in Michigan. Though the community existed before, UCOM was formally incorporated in 2018 with a purpose

  • To create a supportive environment that fosters the unity of Ugandans.

  • To promote the Ugandan cultures in their diversity as well as to share with other interested individuals or groups.

  • Empower the community members into various careers, participate in various community activities, mentoring one another, guidance, socialization and networking.

  • To raise funds towards community development and obtaining infrastructure through fundraising, membership and farming.


  • Dr. Sarah Kironde DNP-BC


  • Mr. Joseph Katabaazi

    Vice President

  • Mr. Samson Ojwang


  • Ms. Mable Asiimwe


  • Mrs. Mutebi Lucy

    Minister W/O Portfolio

  • Mr. Mukasa Henry

    Minister W/O Portfolio

  • Ms. Claire Nampala

    Women's Youth

  • Mr. Muwaya Ivan

    Men's Youth

Our Goals

  • We are building a home away from home for Ugandans in Detroit.

  • UCOM’s goal is to share Ugandan culture through food, art, music, drama, movies, fashion and design, books, festive events, and language.

  • We plan to secure an art and cultural center where we can share all these with the world. Our endeavor is to contribute positively to the community as a whole with no limitations.


  • Prof. Charles Lwanga

    Leader for UCOM Art and Music Chapter

  • Mrs. Grace Sentamu (BSN-RN-BC)

    UCOM Women’s Representative


  • Mr. Kayobyo Robert


  • Mr. Mubiru Moses

    Vice Chairman

  • Mr. Sentamu Jotham


  • Ms. Monica Talbot

    Board Member

  • Mr. Lukwago Moses

    Board Member